Inspiring Quotes from the World’s Finest Minds… Provided By Some of the Smartest People I Know

Last year, I reached out to my LinkedIn network with a simple question “What saying or belief do you come back to when times are tough? What gets you through a hard patch?”

After receiving several hundred responses, I decided to take the best and compile them into a handy book that might help inspire YOU in the coming year as things recover. Whether you have a reinvigorated sense of purpose or commitment to something totally new, perhaps something in this book can help spur your success.

Enter your email here to get your copy:

And if you have time, please take some time to visit my new site at After over 20 years, I have evolved Spiralgroup to Stuart McFaul Associates, where our Living Brand™ system helps technology companies tap into their purpose to build more powerful and profitable brands.

It’s an approach so successful that The Smithsonian Institution asked to add it to their business archives. If you’re interested in exploring how I might help you, drop me a line at [email protected].

Happy reading!